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For resident physician visits.

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For resident family visits.

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Virtually meet with any doctor you chooose

HouseCall MD telehealth platform gives a choice to use any doctor the resident or the care facility chooses to successfully and safely continue routine care. The doctor, who is familiar with the facility, has an established relationship with the caregivers and intimate knowledge of the residents' health because they have been by their side for years.

Simplified collaboration between physician and caregivers.

Fight resident depression and social isolation.
Improve quality of life.
Simplified environment.

Residents and their loved ones can easily, and securely connect for moments of joy and laughter with simple navigation and usability.

Integrated tools to stimulate cognitive skills.

HouseCall Family is designed specifically for long-term care and senior living residents to encourage friends and family members to interact, have face-to-face conversations and exchange photos with residents. Such activities may enhance cognitive ability and other behavioral outcomes, leading to significant improvements in quality of life and mental well-being.
